Hello, my name is Adrien Faure, I finished my PhD in computer science in 2020. After three years working at the LIG on the REGALE European project as an Engineer / Post-Doc.
I am now looking for mission as a freelancer in IT.
Hello, my name is Adrien Faure, I finished my PhD in computer science in 2020. After three years working at the LIG on the REGALE European project as an Engineer / Post-Doc.
I am now looking for mission as a freelancer in IT.
OAR3 is a platform manager and job orchestrator for computing platforms.
OAR3 is a python project developed at Université Grenoble Alpes, and originally written by Olivier Richard and Salem Harrache in 2014.
From 2021 to 2023 I have been the lead developer of OAR3. My objective was to improve the code base to make it a direct replacement for OAR2. My contributions on the project are:
Food Assistant is a free and open source (under GPL3) android application to watch and control your daily food. It is possible to set an objective for the total number of eaten calories, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.
Quentin Guilloteau, Adrien Faure, Millian Poquet, Olivier Richard
La communauté informatique commence doucement à se préoccuper des problèmes de reproductibilité de ses expériences. Le nombre de contributions sous le label reproductibilité est en croissance et des conférences demandent maintenant une évaluation des…
Adrien Faure
December 2020
High-Performance Computing (HPC) provides the computational power dedicated to solving complex problems of our society. HPC computers are large scale and distributed infrastructures composed of several thousands of computing cores. The management of…